Frank Bundy, Owner, Five Star Cleaning Service, LLC

It was 2010 when I decided to “restart” Five Star Cleaning Service here in Maryland.

After working for my Dad (of the same name) for many years at his Five Star Cleaning Service in Buffalo, NY (where I am from) I gained plenty of experience in the cleaning industry.
I learned many valuable lessons working there that I still utilize today. These are the most important:

1) Customer satisfaction is my number one priority. Without satisfied customers, there is no Five Star Cleaning Service

2) Treat your employees like gold. Without satisfied employees, there is no Five Star Cleaning Service

I use these to “guidelines” in every decision I make at Five Star Cleaning Service. They are the basis for everything I do, and everything Five Star Cleaning Service does.
I take great pride in how Five Star Cleaning Service started, and how it has grown. When I came to Maryland in 2010 I walked the streets of Arnold, Maryland handing out Flyers to advertise my service. I remember times I’d give a flyer to a customer, and the next day I’d be cleaning their home—by myself!

Back then, I didn’t have any employees, and all the tasks at Five Star Cleaning Service fell on my shoulders. I’m proud that I went through that experience, but am equally as happy that I have fantastic employees to help me now.

It’s because of those employees, and our wonderful customers that Five Star Cleaning Service is in a “constant growth spurt.” Our customer satisfactions rates are consistently high, and because of that I am constantly taking phone calls from new potential customers.

The best part of running my own business, is realizing how helpful people are, and how important they are to any growth that I sustain. When I speak to friends and family members about Five Star Cleaning Service, they will occasionally tell me that I’ve been successful thus far. To that I always say thank you, but I take no credit for it whatsoever.

I deserve NO CREDIT for any small amount of success Five Star Cleaning Service has sustained. The ones who deserve ALL OF THE CREDIT are my employees, our customers, the outside services I utilize, and my advisors. I can’t thank them enough, and I work hard every day to try and repay the debt I am in to you for your help.

We are the BEST CLEANING SERVICE IN MARYLAND. I’ve just explained why we are, but I’d love the opportunity to prove it to you. Contact us through our website (Link), or give me a call at 443-764-6440.
I’m ready for more help!