beautifully manicured lawn with lush green grass

Lawn Care for Green and Lush Yards

Tired of dealing with those pesky weeds taking over your lawn? We can help!

Let’s get rid of those weeds for good! Five Star offers Herbicide, Fertilizer, Hydretain, and Pre-emergent weed control services to help keep the weeds out and have your lawn looking the best on the block.

From killing weeds, or preventing them sprouting in the first place, to fertilizer we know what to apply…and when!

Give us a call today at 443-764-6440 to see how we can help!


Our pricing is $75 for 5,000 square feet ($50 for each additional 5,000 square feet).

Pricing includes the application of Herbicide, Fertilizer, Hydretain, and Pre-emergent weed control where applicable. Contact us for an estimate for your lawn.