
Struggling to keep your lawn looking lush? Consider Core Aeration and Overseeding!

We offer Core Aeration and Overseeding services to ensure that your lawn stays healthy, lush, and green. Core Aeration allows water, oxygen, and nutrients to easily get into the soil, giving your lawn the boost it needs. Overseeding is the planting of grass seed on top of existing grass and soil, which helps fill in the bare spots. The result is a luscious healthy lawn! Ready to have the best lawn on the block? Give us a call today at 443-764-6440.


Core Aeration: $149 for 5,000 square feet ($85 for each additional 5,000 square feet)

Seeding/Overseeding: $100 for 5,000 square feet ($85 for each additional 5,000 square feet)