beautifully manicured lawn with lush green grass

Year-round lawn care

Five Star uses the following, proven, plan to keep keep your lawn lush, weed-free, and green all year long.


Before we start any program, we test your soil to make sure we can deliver the correct nutrients to it, year long, and see if we need to fix anything.

1) In March or April, we apply a fertilizer to promote lawn color and density, pre-emergent Weed control to prevent germination of annual weeds, and post-emergent weed killer to kill any weeds that have already sprouted

2) In May, or June, we apply more fertilizer to promote balance and health, another application of Pre-Emergent weed control to stop pesky weeds from popping up again later in the Summer, and another application of post-emergent weed killer to remove most remaining weeds

***Spot treatment of small patches of, or individual, weeds included in steps 3-5***

3) In June, or July, we apply a Summer fertilizer to help maintain the color and density of your grass. This will help your grass develop a robust root system through the harsh summer months

Optional: At this time you can choose to have Hydretain applied to your lawn to help your soil retain, and use water more efficiently, so your grass gets the hydration it needs to grow.

4) In August, or September , we apply an Autumn fertilizer to promote root growth

Optional: At this time you can choose to have your lawn core aerated, and overseeded (this can also be done in October or November if desired).

5) In October, or November, we apply winter fertilizer, which is high in nitrogen and will maximize your turf’s dark green color. This application will promote thatch composting so your lawn will come back healthier next year!

***All pricing for all services listed are featured on our services pages…discounts always offered for paying for all services up front***